Nanda Nath Saikia College, Titabar

Program Outcome –Arts Stream:

The Bachelor of Arts requires three years of full time study consisting of six semesters. The college offers 7 honours programme- Assamese, English, Economics, Education, Geography, History and Political Science. The outcomes of these programmes are to prepare students with sound knowledge and skills across different disciples and socio cultural boundaries. The program will enable students to critically analyze various information relating to the subjects. The program will inculcate sound ethical behavior with positive learning outcomes.

Program Specific outcome:

  1. Assamese: The program will increase critical attitude on literary studies and developing language. The program will enable students to understand the Assamese culture and diversity. The program will inculcate the learners with the knowledge of linguistic and history of Assamese language. The subject encompasses archeology, agriculture, tourism, folklore and indigenous costumes. The program will enhance communicative and creative writing skills of the learners. Besides the program will through an insight on legendary Assamese poets and their contribution in transformation in Assamese society.
  2. Economics: The program will enable the learner to understand the basic concepts of economics and its application. The subject will enhance knowledge pertaining to different economic policies, economic variables, statistical and mathematical models for their practical applications. The program will increase the proficiencies of the learners for professional works in business, banking, management and administration..
  3. Education: The program encompasses different perspectives of teaching, psychology and allied aspects. The course acquaints the students with the preparation and implementation of teaching methodologies. It also enhances the knowledge and understanding pertaining to social-cultural aspects
  4. English: The program will familiarize students on English literatures, its theories and criticism, and allied concepts. It will enable learners to critically think and analyze cultural, historical and linguistic aspect of English literature.  The program will acquaint students with cultural heritage of Indian literature, European cultural literature, American and British literature. The program will give an insights on Indian writing in English, about European drama, British drama and contributions of renowned poets.  
  5. Geography: The program encompasses human and economic geography, oceanography, geomorphology, world geography, environmental geography, cartography, statistic and planning. It will enable student to understand various aspects of natural science. The program will help students to implement their understanding on various data analysis including cartography and remote sensing. The economic geography will enhance their knowledge on sustainable use or natural resources for better future.   
  6. History: The program will acquaints the learner in understanding the sources of History in varied forms, uses and analysis, growth of human civilizations, its basics and glimpses of Ancient world history. It deals with the state formation process, polity and society both in medieval world and in Indian context. The program will enable the students with the significant developments in the world and changing cultural scenario in India. This program will impart knowledge on the significant changes in the socio-political and economic life in the world and also the political contributions in India. This program will basically enhance the students with different school of thought which ushered the great revolutions in Europe and the beginning of Colonial dominion in India till its freedom. 
  7. Political Science: The program will familiarizes the students with the different aspects of Indian politics and Government, public administration, Indian constitution and international relations. The program will help to critically think and analyze dynamics of Indian politics and contemporary political phenomenon. It will provide an insight on recent trends of India’s foreign policy. The program will acquaint students with concepts of human rights and different challenges. It will also enable learners to critically think on gender issues and formulation of policies to mitigate problems pertaining to women issues.

Program Outcomes-Science Stream:

The Bachelor of Science requires three years of full time study consisting of six semesters. The college offers 5 honours program- Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology. The outcomes of these programs are enable students to critically think and understand the respective subject and inculcating scientific temper.

Program Specific outcomes:

  1. Botany: The main objective of the subject is to provide students a holistic understanding of the subject. The subject will enhance knowledge on Taxonomy, Physiology, Morphology, Anatomy, Reproduction, Ecology and Evolution of different plant species. Besides, the subject encompasses Microbiology, Pathology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and Bioinstrumentation. It will also acquaint the students with the basic knowledge of tools and techniques in biological science. The practical and science projects will enhance knowledge in experimental skills for future research and allied applications.
  2. Chemistry: The program will create interest on Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. These will enable the learners to acquire knowledge on concepts, techniques and facts. The program will enhance practical skills vis-à-vis theoretical aspects of different chemical phenomenon. The learners will be acquainted with instruments used in chemistry. The course will also develop the knowledge on different theoretical tools used for the study of chemistry.
  3. Mathematics: The program will enhance knowledge on fundamental objects, techniques and theorems. The program will help the students to implement mathematical concepts in real life situations. The inclusion of computer programming and computer lab makes the students able to formulate programs for numerical evaluation of computational problems. They also become familiar with different mathematical software. The students are taught on the application of mathematical principles to the problems of financial mathematics and operation research. The course acquaints the students with the applications of mathematical principles to the problems of mechanics, space dynamics and relativity etc.
  4. Physics: The program will develop the basic understanding on mathematical physics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, solid state physics, atomic and nuclear physics, electronics etc. The program will help in developing scientific intuition and ability to solve scientific problems using theoretical or experimental concepts and techniques. The student will be acquainted with the general physics like laws of motion, sound waves, electrical current, circuits, nuclear physics etc. and mathematical techniques to solve physical phenomenons.  
  5. Zoology: The program will familiarize the students with Animal classifications, Genetics, Biochemistry,, Biodiversity, Public Health and Hygiene, Animal physiology, Endocrinology, Apiculture  etc. the program will improve the knowledge and perceptions pertaining to animal behavior, its adaptations and evolutional aspects. The program will enhance technical skill in biological sciences with an opportunity for future research.

 Course Outcome

Course Outcome–Arts Stream

Department of Assamese:


  Department of Economics:

Course Code: C 1- Title- Introductory Microeconomics

By going through the course student can able to understand the basic principles of micro economic theory. Through this course student will able to understand the micro economic concepts which they can apply to analyze the real life situations.

Course Code: C 2- Title- Mathematical Methods for Economics-I

This is the first of a compulsory two course sequence of Mathematical Economics. Through this course student can able to understand basic application of Mathematics in the economic analysis particularly on micro economic and macro-economic theory. In this course, particular economic models are not the ends, but the mean for illustrating the methods of applying mathematical technique to economic theory in general.

Course Code: C 3-Title- Introductory Macroeconomics

Through this course students can be able to acquire the knowledge of the basic concepts of macroeconomics. This course discusses the preliminary concepts, associated with the determination and measurement of aggregate macroeconomic variables, like savings, investment, GDP, money, inflation and the balance of payments.

Course Code: C 4- Title- Mathematical Methods for Economics-II

This course is the second part of a compulsory two course sequence Through this course student can able to understand basic application of Mathematics in the economic analysis particularly on micro economic and macro-economic theory. In this course, particular economic models are not the ends, but the mean for illustrating the methods of applying mathematical technique to economic theory in general.

Course Code: C 5- Title: Essentials of Microeconomics

By this course students can acquire a sound training in micro economic theory to formally analyze the behaviour of individual agents. They also acquire the skills of using mathematical tools to understanding the base concepts of macro-economic analysis, particularly the consumers     and producers behave and also covers the behavior of a competitive firm.

Course Code:  C 6- Title: Essentials of Macroeconomics

By this course, students are able to know how macroeconomic problem can be analyze through formal modeling. It also discusses various alternative theories of output and employment determination in a closed economy in the short run on well as medium run and the role of policy in this context. It also introduces the students to various theatrical issues related to open economy.

Course Code: C 7- Title: Statistical Methods for Economics

This course provides the knowledge about the basic concepts of statistical methods and how these methods are used in the economic analysis. It deals with the basic concept and terminology that are fundamental to statistical analysis and influence then followed by notion of probability, sampling technique and some topics in statistical influences. This course will be immensely helpful for the students those will engage in

Course Code: C 8- Course Title – Advanced Micro Economics

This course is the advance version of the Micro economic analysis deal in C-1 and C-3. The course will give the conceptual clarity to the student coupled with the use of mathematical tools and reasoning. It also covers the advanced micro economic analysis like general equilibrium and welfare, imperfect markets, market failure.

Course Code: C 9- Course Title – Advanced Macro Economics

This course is the advance version of the macro economic analysis dealt in C-2 and C-6. By going through the course the students will get the knowledge of about the long run dynamic issues like growth and technical progress. It also provides the knowledge about various schools of macroeconomic thoughts like classical, Keynesian, Post Keynesian thoughts.

Course Code: C 10- Course Title – Introductory Econometrics

This course provides the comprehensive introduction of basic econometric concepts and techniques. It covers statistical concepts of hypothesis testing, estimate and diagrammatic checking of simple and multiple regression models and also covers the consequences of and tests for misspecification of regression model. This paper will provide the strong theoretical base of econometric analysis which will be very much helpful for research as well various empirical analyses.

Course Code: C 11- Course Title – Indian Economy-1


This course reviews major trends in economic indicators and policy debates in India in the post-independence period.

Course Code: C 12: Development Economics I

This course begins with a discussion of alternative conceptions of development and their justification. It then proceeds to aggregate models of growth and cross-national comparisons of the growth experience that can help evaluate these models.

Course Code:  DSE 1: Money and Financial Markets

This course exposes the students to the theory and functioning of the monetary and financial sectors of the economy. It highlights the organization, structure and role of financial markets and institutions.

Course Code: DSE 2: Public Economics

This course deals with the nature of government intervention and its implication for allocation, distribution and stabilization.                                                                     

Course Code C13: Indian Economy –II

This course examines sector specific policies of Indian Economy and their impact in shaping trends in key economic indicators in India.

Course Code C14: Development Economics -II

Basic demographic concepts and their evolution is studied. The structure of market an contract to the particular problems of enforcement in poor countries. Globalization and increased international dependence in the process of development will be studied.

Course Code DSE 1: Environmental Economics

This course focuses on economic causes of environmental problems, various environmental issues, relationship between environment and Economics

Course Code DSE 2: International Economics

This course develops a systematic exposition of models of International Economics that try to explain the composition, direction and consequences of international trade.

Course Code: ECOM 501- Course Title- Development Economics with Indian Perspective I

By going through this course the students will acquaint the basic knowledge of development economics and various growth theories related to economic development. Students have also able to acquire the theoretical and conceptual issue of poverty and inequalities with Indian perspective.

Course Code: ECOM 502- Course Title- Public Economics: Policy Issue

By this course the learner will acquaint with the fiscal policy designed for developed and developing economics with a speed trust to the federal system of India.

Course Code: ECOM 503- Course Title –History of Economic Thought

After going through this course, learners will acquaint with the knowledge of historical development and theoretical framework in the economic thoughts propounded by different schools of economics.

Course Code: ECOM 504- Course Title- Monetary Theories and Financial Markets

The course will acquaint the learners with some basic concepts relating to monetary analysis and financial marketing with a reference to Indian Financial markets which will enable the learners to relate the conceptual issues to the real world structures.

Course Code: ECOM 601- Course Title- Development Economics with Indian PerspectiveII

This course is a sequel of course ECOM501 through which the learners will understand the development issue of Indian Economy. It will also enable the learner to understand the developmental problem of North East India.

Course Code: ECOM 602- Course Title- Environmental Economics

By going through this course, the learners will acquaint with the basic concepts environmental economics along with the solution of the environmental problem. It will also increase the environmental consciousness among the learners.

Course Code: ECOM 603- Course Title -International Economics

Through this course, the learners will acquaint with both real and monetary sides of international economics. The course designed from traditional to modern, theoretical to analytical developments in International economics through which learners will get excitement of acquiring knowledge of International economics in the classrooms.

Course Code: ECOM 604- Course Title – Economic Issue of Assam

This course brings the scope for the students to acquire the learners with the characteristics of the economy of Assam. The learner will also able to know the performance of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of Assam. Through this course the students have con      knowledge about the performance of the economy of Assam.

Generic Elective/ General Course:

Course Code: ECNGE-1 Title: Introductory Microeconomics

By going through the course student can able to understand the basic principles of micro economic theory. Through this course student will able to understand the micro economic concepts which they can apply to analyze the real life situations.

Course Code: ECNGE-2 Title: Introductory Macroeconomics

Through this course students can be able to acquire the knowledge of the basic concepts of macroeconomics. This course discusses the preliminary concepts, associated with the determination and measurement of aggregate macroeconomic variables, like savings, investment, GDP, money, inflation and the balance of payments

Course Code: ECNGE-3 Title: Indian Economy-I

By going through the course learners are acquainted with the major trends in economic indicators in India in the Post –Independence period with particular emphasis on paradigm shifts and turning points.

Course Code: ECNGE-4 Title: Public Finance

By going through the course the student can able to get the non technical overview of government finances with special reference in India. Through the course the learner can assess the efficiency and equity aspects of taxation of the Centre, States and the Governments and the issue of fiscal federalism and decentralisation in India

Course Code: ECNG- 501 Titles: Elementary Statistics for Economics

Through this course the learner will acquainted with some statistical data collecting methods and basic statistical methods that can be applied in economics

 Course Code: ECNG- 601 Titles: Development Economics

After going through the course the learners are acquainted with the measurement of development with the help of theories along with the conceptual issues of poverty and inequalities. It also enables the learners to understand the problem from Indian perspective.

Department of English

Course Code: C1 ENGM (Indian Classical Literature):

After completing this course, the learners shall be in a position to understand and appreciate the rich Indian Classical literary tradition, including its distinctive aesthetic philosophies. It would provide them with the conceptual resources to make a comparative assessment between the Indian and the Western classical tradition, thereby enabling their knowledge and understanding of the two great literary traditions.

Course Code: C2 ENGM (European Classical Literature):

After the completion of the course, the learners shall be in a position to understand the source of Western literary paradigm- a formation that was responsible for constituting the great tradition of the Western canon, and one which govern our critical or comparative touchstone on ‘what good literature ought to be’.

Course Code: C 3: Indian Writing in English (Core)
     It is believed that learners, after the culmination of the course, shall be in a better position to appreciate the diversity of customs and traditions in India, would be able to map the intellectual trajectory from the pre to post Independence period and get the feel of the advancement that Indian writers in English are making, for which they are receiving plaudits both at home as well as abroad.

Course Code: C 4: British Poetry and Drama- 14th to 17th Centuries (Core)
fter completing this course, the learners would be in a position to determine the influence of the European Renaissance on the works of the Elizabethan authors including Shakespeare.

Course Code: C 5: American Literature (Core)
 It is hoped that learners would get a feel of American literature and they will be able to understand the poetics and politics of a literature characterised both by liberal and reactionary ideals.
Course Code C 6: Popular Literature (Core)
    After completion of this course, the learners will be acquainted with popular literature, such as crime thriller, graphic fiction, children’s literature and so forth. It is believed that learners will be in a position to appreciate the presence of a creative space and process that has the potential to affect readers to a degree that high-grow literature cannot achieve due to its propensity to target only a niche audience.

Course Code C 7: British Poetry and Drama- 17th and 18th Centuries (Core)
 After the completion of this course, learners will be in a position to understand the ways in which English drama and poetry began to emphasize on the importance of adhering to classical norms and forms. From the romantic excesses of the Elizabethan literature to a literature marked by restraint and order, the learners would be in a position to experience a whole gamut of feelings that define a period and contradistinguishing it from another.

Course Code C 8: British Literature- 18th Century (Core)
 From this course the learners would come to know that the 18th century was an age in which new modes of creative expression were coming to the fore, particular prose narratives of the likes of Swift and Sterne, among others. The learners will be in a position to understand the spirit of the age, as well as the literature embodying this spirit.

Course Code C 9: British Romantic Literature (Core)
   It is hoped that the learners would be in a position to know and appreciate the values of a literature characterised by emotion, passion, love towards nature, exerting of imagination and so forth in order to create a thing of beauty, which would be a joy forever.

Course Code C 10: British Literature- 19th Century (Core)
 The learners will be in a position to understand the philosophical shift that came about due to the crisis of faith pertaining to the culture of positivism that manifested its full presence during the Victorian period. It is also hoped that they would be able to understand concepts like Utilitarianism, surplus value, Victorian prudishness, survival of the fittest, etc.

Course Code C 11: Women’s Writing (Core)
 It is hoped that the learners, after completing this course, would be sensitised to gender related issues and, would be able to see things from the perspective of the Other. Apart from that, the course would also try to situate women’s writing in a space that transcends or upends the male writing tradition through various ways.

Course Code C 12: British Literature- The Early 20th Century (Core)
    It is believed that the learners would benefit from this course in terms of getting acquainted with concepts like Stream of Consciousness, Oedipus Complex, Avant Garde, Gyre, Interior Monologue, among many others.

Course Code DSE 2: Literature of the Indian Diaspora (Core)
 After completing this course, it is expected that learners will be in a position to understand the complexity of living as hyphenated identities in a space which is different from that of “home”. They will be in a better position to understand the Postcolonial condition of identities caught between the quest for a better life abroad and the acknowledgement of the futility surrounding such a rootless mobility.

Course Code DSE 3: Literary Criticism (Core)
 Criticism enables one to understand, appreciate and critique literary texts by inculcating the values of what good or bad literature tends to be. It is hoped that learners will be in a position to understand the texts in terms of the contexts, which could be purely aesthetic, historical, textual or political. They will be able to read texts by adopting the ideologies of the different reading processes.

Course Code: C 13: Modern European Drama (Core)
     It is hoped that the learners, after completing this course, will be in a comfortable space to know modern drama with its entire attendant problematic.

Course Code: C 14: Postcolonial Literatures (Core)
    The learners on culmination of the courseare expected to be acquainted with both the texts and context of the given period.

Course Code DSE 5: Literary Theory (Core)
 By the end of this course, the learners shall be in a position to know some of the significant texts of discourses revolving around class, gender, power, language, race, identity and so forth. They will be able to relate their reading of literature through such theories, which would in turn facilitate their interpretive strategies.

Course Code DSE 7: Partition Literature (Core)
     After the culmination of this course, the learners will be in a position to comprehend the magnitude of the tragedy of partition and realise how the trauma associated with it impinges on the victims’ daily lives and activities even in the present. The historical fact transmuted by imagination tends to prove the validity of literature in representing the truth of the human condition.

Course Code: GE1 (Academic Writing and Composition):

By the end of the course, the students will be able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of basic essay structure, including introduction, body and conclusion; employ the various stages of the writing process, including pre-writing, writing and rewriting; employ descriptive, narrative and expository mode; demonstrate ability to write for an academic audience; write concise sentences, etc.

Course Code: AECC 1 (English Communication):

It is hoped that after studying this course, students will find a difference in their personal and professional interactions. The recommended readings given at the end are only suggestive; the students and teachers have the freedom to consult other materials on various units. Similarly, the questions in the examinations will be aimed towards assessing the skills learnt by the students rather the textual content of the recommended books.

Department of Education

Course Code C-I: Philosophical Foundation of Education

Introduce the modern concept, aims, functions and role of education. Enable the students to understand the basic tenants of Indian and Western Philosophies and their influence in Education.

Course Code C-II: Sociological Foundations of Education

Acquire knowledge about the concept, approaches and theories of educational sociology. Illustrate Social Aspects, Social Processes and role of Education. Explain the role of Education in Social Change and Development. Acquire useful knowledge about Social Groups.

Course Code C-III: Psychological Foundations of Education

Develop the basic concept, nature, scope and uses of psychology in Education. Enable the students to understand the basic concept and theories of learning, intelligence and creativity. Help the students to understand the meaning, concept, factors and theories of personality. Develop the basic concepts of mental health and mental hygiene, measures of mental health in school.

Course Code C-IV: Educational Administration and Management

Introduce the modern trends of Educational Management and types of management. Introduce the students to the basic concept and principles of educational leadership. Learn the styles of leadership and its implication educational leadership. Develop basic knowledge of educational planning and educational supervision. Learn how to measures quality in educational management.

 Course Code C-V: Great Educators and Educational Thoughts

Help the students to understand the contribution of the various Indian and Western philosophers in the domain of education. Develop the ability of a student to critically analyse the relevance of the educational thought of the different philosophers.

Course Code C-VI: Measurement and Evaluation in Education

Develop the basic concept, nature, scope, need and types of measurement and evaluation in education. Develop the different skill and increase knowledge about the test construction and tools to measure achievement, intelligence, personality and aptitude. Develop the requisite statistical skill to understand some of the fundamental topics in statistics

Course Code C-VII: Experimental Psychology and Laboratory Practical

To learn about the uses and application of psychological experiments on different mental abilities like memory, attention, learning, personality and intelligence

Course Code C-VIII: Education in Pre-Independent India

Introduce the student to basic concept of Indian heritage. Enable the student to critically examine the educational system in Vedic, Buddhist, Medieval and British period.

Course Code C-IX: Techniques of Teaching

To learn about meaning, nature, principles of teaching and learning. To know about the role of teacher at teaching and importance of lesson plan in teaching-learning process. To develop the different teaching skills and the stages of microteaching cycle. To know about the different methods and approaches of teaching.

Course Code C-X: Educational Technology

To acquire knowledge about  the concept, nature and components of Educational Technology,  Instructional Technology and apply ICT in teaching learning. To know about the different aspect of communication. To apply Models of teaching, personalized system of instruction, programmed learning in teaching learning.

Course Code GEED-1:

To learn about the different aspects of guidance and counselling like functions, principles , tools and techniques. To know about the qualities and role of a counselor

 Course Code GEED-2:

To learn about the meaning and nature of gender and its related terms, gender biases and gender inequality in family, school and society. To aware about different laws and policies related to gender equality.

Course Code GEED-3:

To understand about the concepts of mental health and hygiene and psychological and maladjustment problems in the emerging society. To learn about the role of different agencies of society and their impacts on the development of an individual’s personality. Acquire the knowledge of positive psychology and integrate yoga in their day-to-day lives for holistic health.

Course Code GEED-4:

Student will be able to learn meaning, scope, uses, importance and historical development of Economics of Education. To learn about the concept of Education as a good, demand and supply, investment and return on investment of education. To know about different types of Educational cost, Education financing, Educational Planning etc.

Course Code EDNM-501:

To enable the students to understand the importance of development and to develop a sensitivity towards the needs and right of children. To understand the importance of play in child development.

Course Code EDNM-502:

To make the students aware of the development of Indian education scenario at the time of Independence. To help the students to understand and appreciate the reasons for the recommendations of the different Educational commissions since Independence.

Course Code EDNM-503:

Students able to know about Educational Technology and usage of mass media. To orient students towards classroom communication skill and use innovative methods of educational technology.

Course Code EDNM-504:

To develop an understanding of the principles of teaching – learning process. To provide knowledge about the importance of lesson planning and different method of teaching. To familiarize the students with the role of audio visual aids.

Course Code EDNM-601:

To learn about the uses and application of psychological experiments on different mental abilities like memory, attention, learning, personality and intelligence.

Course Code EDNM-602:

To make able the student to prepare a project report. To solving the problems faced in educational field through project

Course Code EDNM-603:

To introduce students the concept of management and orient them towards practices of management in education. To understand the concept of planning finance and educational supervision.

Course Code EDNM-604:

To enable the students to know about the educational system of their own country. To help student to compare the education system of different countries. To plan changes in education in the context of global world.

Course Code EDNM-605:

To develop awareness about various plans and policies regarding the educational setup in India and develop significance trends in education. To focus attention on major social and national issues.

Department of Political Science

Course code C1:

To introduce the students to the idea of political theory, its history and approaches and assessment of its critical and contemporary trends related to state, citizenship and democracy.

 Course code C2:

To provide brief introduction of the constitution of India, its framework and actual ways of functioning.

 Course code C3:

To provide the students about the basic normative concept of political theory, important concepts and details.

 Course CodeC4:

To provide the understanding of political process, mode of analysis and to familiarizes them with the working of the Indian state.

 Course Code C5:

To familiarize with the basic concepts  and approaches about the comparative politics in developed and developing nations.

 Course Code C6:

To provide a comprehensive understanding about public administration as a subject and contemporary administrative development.

 Course Code C7:

To introduce students about concepts, theories, approaches and changing scenario about International relation especially Global South.

 Course Code C8:

To introduce about the political process ans institutions through comparative methods on different political systems.

 Course Code C9:

To introduce students about the Public policies, their ways of execution and about general administration of India.

 Course Code C10 :

To provide brief understanding about global policies, issues, means of solving global problems.

 Course Code C11:

To provide a glimps of ancient political philosophy, interpretation of classics.

Course Code C12:

To introduce the specific elements of Indian Political thoughts spanning over two millennia.

 Course Code C13

After going through this course, students has able to get knowledge on a brief introduction about Modern Political philosophy.

 Course Code C14:

 To provide understanding about Modern Indian political thought.

 Course Code DSE 1A:

  Primary objective is to introduce NE. Region with especial reference to contemporary Assam    politics

 Course Code DSE 2A:

To build understanding of Human Rights, specific issues, concepts, theories, approaches and organizations.

 Course Code DSE 3A:

To provide theoretical and practical understanding of Public Policy making, implementation in India.

 Course Code DSE 4A:

The objectives are to teach students the domestic sources, the structure, evaluation and practice of Indian Foreign Policy.

Course Code GE 1:

 This course enables to help students understand the struggle of Indian people against    colonial rule.

Course Code GE 2:

To explain contemporary debates on feminism and history of feminism.

 Course Code GE 3:

 This course deals with concepts and debates on governance, issues and challenges.

 Course Code GE 4:

To understand the process of glottalization from a political perspective.

 Course Code SEC-3:

This course develops the knowledge, skills and values of Human Rights and empowering individuals, groups and communities through international recognized human rights principles.

 Department of Geography




  • Nature of Geomorphology, Interior structure of the earth.
  • Earth Movements , Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes and Volcanoes
  • Various geomorphic processes operating on the surface of the earth
  • Landforms and its evolution


  • The skill for understanding the landforms in a systematic way.


  • Understanding and developing knowledge with the continuous progress in geomorphology



  • Significance of Bio-geography
  • World distribution of plants and animals and its relation to soil, vegetation, climate and human activities
  • Soil forming processes, classification and distribution of soil, major types of soil,
  • Soil erosion and conservation of soil.


  • Ability to see the distribution of plants and animal world from a geographical perspectives


  • Use of the knowledge in further academic development and activities



  • Scale and its application, different types of scale
  • Interpretation of topographical maps with the help of Cross and Longitudinal Profiles
  • Morphometric analysis
  • Analysis of slope by Wentworth and Smith’s method


  • Preparation of various maps and diagrams in geographical study


  • Ability for using the maps in relevant areas and fields.

     Course Code GGRM102 T4: CLIMATOLOGY:


  • Composition and structure of atmosphere
  • Factors and distribution of insolation and Heat Budget
  • Atmospheric Pressure and winds, Forces affecting winds and general circulation of winds , Jet Streams
  • Atmospheric moisture and different types of precipitation, Climatic classification by Koppen
  • Cyclones , origin and mechanism of Monsoon


  • Ability to understand the factors that affect climate and cause climate change


Analyzing and interpreting data on weather and climate



  • Study of weather symbols and interpretation of Indian daily weather maps
  • Representation and interpretation of climatic data on Climograph, Hythergraph and Ergograph
  • Preparation of rainfall variability maps


  • Preparing maps related to meteorology
  • Study various methods of data collection on weather and climate


  • Weather interpretation and forecasting
  • Focus on future research work



  • Concept of Hazard and Disaster, Risk and vulnerability classification
  • Flood ,Landslide, Earthquake, Tsunami, Cyclone Disasters, in India, its causes , impact, distribution and mapping
  • Man-made disasters- distribution and mapping
  • Response, Mitigation and Preparedness to disasters, NDMA and NIDM
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Community based Disaster Management, Do’s and Don’t’s


  • Ability to understand the emergencies and responses to various kinds of disasters


Respond to extreme events like floods, earthquake, cyclones.



  • Major themes of Human Geography and its contemporary relevance
  • Space and Society, Cultural Regions, Race ,Religion and Language
  • Population Growth, Distribution, Composition and Demographic Transition Theory
  • Types of Settlement: Rural and Urban, Classification of Urban Settlement, Trends and Patterns of World Urbanization
  • Population- Resource Relationship


  • Ability to understand the world today within the context of their environment


Ability to understand the factors behind uneven population and resource distribution across the globe.



  • Physiographic divisions, climate, vegetation, soils of India
  • Distribution, growth and structure of population by race, caste, religion, language and tribes
  • Distribution and utilization of minerals, power resources agricultural and production in India, industrial development
  • Physical geography and other resources and industries of North-east India


  • Ability to understand the various aspects of India


Applying their knowledge in understanding the factors responsible for diversities in India.



  • Preparation of thematic maps on minerals, forest, agriculture, soils of India and Assam
  • Shape Index analysis
  • Age-sex pyramid of developing and developed countries


  • Application of thematic mapping and shape index analysis


Application of mapping in development activities.



  • Concept, types and evolution of Region, Need of Regional Planning, Regional Imbalance and Problems of Functional Region
  • Choice of a region for planning, Characteristics and delineation of planning regions, Agro-Ecological Zones of India
  • Strategies / Models for Regional Planning
  • Problem Regions and Regional Plans, Special Area development plans, DVC-Success story and failures


  • Ability to understand the basic of regions and need for regional planning


Applying the strategies and models for economic development of backward areas



  • History of development, classification and use of map projection, choice of map projection
  • Basic principles and necessity of surveying in geography
  • Plane table surveying, Prismatic compass surveying, Theodolite traversing and Leveling


  • Handling various surveying instruments


Applying the methods of surveying and map projections in analytical work



  • Drawing of Conical One Standard , Bonne’s, Cylindrical, Equal Area, Equidistant, Gall’s Stereographic, Mercator’s Projection


  • Uses of different types of Map Projection


Applying the map projections in relevant areas.



  • Physiography, climate, soil, vegetation of Asia, Africa, Europe, North America
  • Mineral resources and industrial development in developed, developing countries
  • Population distribution of the world
  • Regional studies of Middle East, South East Asia and Mediterranean region


  • Ability to understand the physiography and economic development of developed and developing countries


Applying knowledge in further developmental studies of these regions.



  • Use and sources of data, Significance of statistical methods in geography
  • Tabulation and Descriptive statistics, Central Tendency, Dispersion
  • Sampling and Theoretical Distribution
  • Association and Correlation


  • Developed knowledge about the various statistical method used in geographical studies


Developed knowledge to describe and summarize spatial data



  • Understanding climate change, Greenhouse gases and Global Warming, Global Climatic Assessment-IPCC
  • Climate change and Physical, Social and Economic Vulnerability
  • Impact of climate change on Agriculture and Water, Flora, Fauna and Human Health
  • National Action Plan on Climate Change


  • Ability to understand climate change and the factors responsible for it.

Understanding and mitigating the negative impacts of climate change



  • Concept and classification of economic activity
  • Factors affecting location of economic activity , Von Thunen’s Theory, Weber’s Theory
  • Primary Activities, Secondary Activities, Special Economic Zones and Technology Parks, Tertiary Activities


  • Ability to understand the basic ideas of primary, secondary and tertiary activities and its spatio-temporal patterns


Acquired knowledge on some economic development models in relation to agriculture and industry



  • Concept and scope of Environmental Geography
  • Human- environment relationships, Adaptation in different Biomes
  • Environ mental Problems in Tropical, Temperate and Polar Ecosystems
  • Environmental Programmes and Policies- Global ,National and Local Levels


  • Developed conceptual and theoretical ideas of environment as well as relationship between man and environment in different Biomes


Knowledge on the nature and intensity of some important environmental issues at local, regional, global level along with mitigating issues through some policies.



  • Historical Development and relevance of remote sensing in Geography
  • Concept and basics of energy sources, energy and radiation principles
  • Energy interactions in the atmosphere and earth surface features
  • Remote sensing platforms, sensors and radiation records


  • Ability to understand the field of latest satellite based technology


Ability to collect information on spatial data and integrate these data with other.



  • Definitions, Components, Development, Platforms of Remote Sensing and GIS
  • Aerial Photography and Satellite Remote Sensing, Satellites ( Landsat and IRS) and Sensors
  • GIS Data Structures and types
  • Image Processing and Data Analysis, Pre-processing, Enhancement, Classification, Geo-Referencing, Editing and Output, Overlays
  • Interpretation and Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in LULC, Urban Sprawl Analysis, Forests monitoring


  • Developed skills in diversified applications of remote sensing data and technology


  • Ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate spatial data using GIS.



  • Nature and scope of Industrial Geography
  • Types, Geographical characteristics and Location of Industries, Coal and Iron based industries, Rural based industries, Footloose industries
  • Mega Industrial Complexes in India
  • Environmental, Social, Economic impact of industries in India, Industrial Policy in India


  • Ability to understand the types and various industrial policies in India


Ability to understand the impact of industries in the environment, society and economy of India.



  • Physical Geography of India- Geological structure, physiographic divisions, drainage systems, climate, natural vegetation, soils and their spatial distribution
  • Mineral and power resources-production and spatial distribution, present status of utilization and conservation of resources
  • Physical Geography of North-East India- Geological structure, physiographic divisions, drainage systems, climate, natural vegetation, soils and their spatial distribution


  • Developed comprehensive idea about the various geographical aspects of India and North-east India


  • Developed knowledge on the spatial distribution of resources.



  • Flow Line and Cartographic Study- Traffic Flow and Isochronic Cartogram , Mean Centre of Gravity
  • Project Report- Conducting field survey and identify landforms, settlements, land-use patterns, socio-economic conditions of the study area


  • Developed skills in preparation of cartograms and report writing




  • Physiographic divisions, climate, natural vegetation, soils, mineral resources, industrial development, distribution of population, regional studies of Middle-East and South-East Asia


  • Physiographic divisions, climate, natural vegetation, soils, mineral resources, industrial development, distribution of population, Agricultural belts of USA


  • Physiographic divisions, climate, natural vegetation, soils, mineral resources, industrial development, distribution of population, importance of Panama Canal


  • Knowledge on the geographical aspects of the three continents of Asia, North America, South America.



  • Slope Analysis – Wentworth’s Method and Smith’s Method
  • Drawing of Block Diagrams- One –point perspective and two point perspective block diagram


  • Developed skills to draw and analyze slopes and block diagrams



  • Nature, scope, subject matter and approaches , Political Geography and Geo politics
  • Formation, location, shape and size of States
  • Boundaries and Frontiers, border lands, buffer states, landlocked states and shatter belts, Functions, classifications of international boundaries
  • Mackinder, Spykman, Mahan’s Global Strategic Views
  • International boundaries of India and related issues, Geopolitics of Indian Ocean
  • Geopolitical situations of North East India


  • Comprehensive idea about the political geography and geopolitical issues of the world in general and India and North East India in particular



  • Shape Index of different states
  • Map of Global Strategic Models: Map of Mackinder’s Heartland Theory, Spykman’s Rimland Theory, ASEAN and SAARC
  • Map of Planning Regions of India: Sen Gupta’s Scheme, TCPO, Land Use Map of Assam, Agro-climatic Zones of India


  • Preparation of maps on various issues of political and regional planning



  • History of development of cartography, classification, use and choice of map projections
  • Basic principles of surveying and their necessity in geography
  • Surveying and leveling: plane table surveying, prismatic compass, theodolite traversing, leveling
  • Introduction to aerial photography and satellite imagery and their basic properties, concept of GIS and GPS
  • Principles and components of remote sensing
  • Remote Sensing platforms and sensors, geo-stationary and polar orbiting satellites


Basic knowledge of map projection, surveying and modern cartographic methods as a tool for data generation and mapping



  • Construction of Map Projections- Polar Zenithal Perspective group and Non- perspective group
  • Cylindrical projection - Simple, Equal Area, Gall’s, Mercator’s
  • Conical projection – One and two standard parallel’s, Bonne’s and Polyconic


Developed skills in constructing and drawing different projections



  • Salient features of Indian agriculture, multipurpose river valley projects, major crops of India, Green Revolution, White Revolution and Blue Revolution
  • Growth and development of industries, industrial regions of India, New Industrial Policy of India, Tourism Industry
  • Different modes of transport and their regional socio-cultural structure
  • Population growth, distribution, composition, major tribes of India
  • Settlement pattern, classification and trend of urbanization, problems of urbanization
  • Integrated Rural Development Programmes in India
  • Major minerals and resource base of North east India and their distribution and production
  • Major crops of North east India and problems of agriculture
  • Agro based and forest based industries of North east India and problems and prospects of industrialization


Comprehensive idea on economy and socio-cultural structure of India and North east India



  • Interpretation of satellite imagery
  • Comparative study of satellite imagery features with toposheet


Developed the skills of the use and interpretation of satellite imageries





  • Physiography, climate, soil, natural vegetataion
  • Natural resources
  • Distribution of Population


  • Physiography, climate, soil, natural vegetataion
  • Natural resources and industrial growth
  • Distribution of Population


  • Physiography, climate, soil, natural vegetataion
  • Natural resources, mineral resources and industrial growth
  • Regional study of Mediterranean region


Knowledge on the geographical aspects of the three continents of  Africa, Australia and New Zealand and Europe



  • Statistical Data representation- Graphical representation of Mean , Median
  • Near Neighbour Analysis
  • Principal Component Analysis
  • Location Quotient Analysis
  • Lorenz Curve


Developed skills in the use and analysis of statistical data



  • Geographic Thoughts- Development of geographical thought- Classical and Medieval Period
  • Age of exploration and discovery
  • Development of geography during modern period
  • Quantitative methods-its application in geographical studies, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, concept of correlation and regression, sampling and its application, measures of inequality


Knowledge on the history of development of geographic thought through time and knowledge on the use of quantitative methods in geographical study



  • Fundamentals of Surveying- Plane Table Surveying and Prismatic Compass Surveying
  • Dumpy’s Level- Profile Leveling
  • Application of GPS in geographical studies


Developed skills on the use and application of surveying instruments and GPS

Department of History

        Core Code: HISHC-101: History of India-I

            The students are acquainted with various sources for reconstruction of ancient Indian History. Various cultures, technological, economic, political religion and philosophy as key to historical construction of ancient period have been dealt with.

  Core Code: HISHC-102: Social Formations & Cultural Patterns of the Ancient World

            The learners are acquainted with the evolution of Mankind, beginning of food production, Bronze Age, advent of Iron, Slave society, economy and polity in ancient Greece. Moreover all the phases of Human Development have been well dealt with.

        Core Code: HISHC-103: History of India-II

            The students gained knowledge on agrarian structure of economy, growth of urban centres in Northern and central India and Deccan as well as craft production, trade routes and coinage. Besides Varna-Jati, gender, marriage, property relation, state formation process, land grants, land rights, peasantry, Urban decline, Mauryan and Post Mauryan Polity has been discussed. The Gupta and Post Gupta polity and administration along with religion philosophy and society has been covered.

       Core Code: HISHC-104: Social Formations & Cultural Patterns of the Medieval World

       The learners are acquainted with the Roman Empire and slave society as well as their culture and trade. Besides economic development in Europe from 7th to 14th century covering production, technological developments, growth of towns and towns are also covered.

   Code Code: HISHC-105: History of India-III(c.750-1206)

            The learners are acquainted about the sources for the reconstruction of early Medieval   Indian History. Besides political, socio religious and agrarian structure and Trade and commerce, guilds and process of Urbanization are discussed.

Core Code: HISHC-106: Rise of the Modern West-I

            The students gained knowledge on the transition from feudalism to capitalism, Voyages to the new World, Renaissance, Reformation 16th century economic developments, the emergence of European state systems are being discussed.

            Core Code: HISHC-107: History of India-IV( 1206-1550)

            The students are acquainted with the sources, vernacular histories and epigraphy, various ruling dynasties of Delhi, Bahmani and Vijaynagara Empire. Social and economic developments, religion, society and culture during the late Medieval India have been dealt with.

Core Code: HISHC-108: Rise of the Modern West-II

             The students learned about the 17th Century European crisis, the English revolution, growth of Mercantilism, end of Absolute Monarchy and growth of Parliamentary Democracy, The American and Industrial Revolution.

Core Code: HISHC-109: History of India-V(1550-1605)

            The students are acquainted with the information regarding Persian sources and vernacular literary traditions, growth and consolidation of the Mughal Empire, society economy and polity under the Mughals.

Core Code: HISHC-1010: History of India-VI( 1605-1750)

             The learners gained knowledge about various sources and historiography of the Mughal Period, Expansion of Mughal rule, Sufi Orders, Aurangzeb 's religious policy, Decline of the Mughal Empire, Growth of regional powers, 18th century debate, trade, crafts, monetary and market systems, urban centres an d Indian Ocean trade networks.

      Core Code: HISHC-1011: History Modern Europe-I (1780-1919)

        The students are acquainted with the various factors that led to French Revolution of 1789, Art and Culture of the Revolution, the restoration of royal dynasties, the radical movements, the evolution of social classes, Industrialization , the first World War and administrative reorganisation in Italy and Germany.

 Core Code: HISHC-1012: History of India-VII(1750- 1857)

      The students gained knowledge on Indian Nationalism and Freedom Movement. They are also acquainted with the transition from pre-Colonial to Colonial Era.

Core Code: HISHC-1013: History of India-VIII(1857-1950)

            The learners are acquainted with ideologies of Nationalism and transition from colonial to post-colonial era with the making of Constitution and Planningthereafter.

Core  Code: HISHC-1014: History Modern Europe-II (1780-1939  

     The students inherit knowledge with liberal Democracy, working Class Movements and Socialism in the 19th and 20th Centuries, crisis of Feudalism in Russia and Experimental Socialism, War and Crisis and post 1919 political developments, cultural and intellectual Developments since 1850s.

Core Code: HISHDS: Early and Medieval Assam till 1826

            The learners deal with the sources and state formation process of Early Assam as well as Medieval Assam and its political structures. They also learned about the expansion political developments and decline of Ahom era.

Core Code: HISHDSE502: History of Modern Assam 1826- 1947

            This paper deals with the establishment and consolidation of British rule in Assam. Various Strategies of revenue and administrative measures, peasant uprising growth of national consciousness and freedom movement have been dealt with.


Course Code: HISM-501: History of India (1750-1947)

            The students gained knowledge on growth of regional powers in India and their relations with British power. They are also acquainted with Indian Nationalism and Freedom Movement.

Course Code: HISM-502: History of Europe (1453-1815)

            Through this paper the students are well acquainted with Renaissance, Reformation movement Colonial expansion of 15th and 16th centuries, Thirty years war, Absolute Monarchy, benevolent despotism, French Revolution of 1789 and its aftermath.

Course Code: HISM-503: History of Europe (1815-1945)

            This paper dealt with the post Napoleonic phase and congress of Vienna. The students gained knowledge on the unification of Italy and Germany, Crimean war, Berlin Congress, Militarism, Power-Blocs, First World War its aftermath and Second World War and Formation of United Nations Organisation.  

Course Code: HISM-504: Tourism in North- East India: Historical Dimensions

            The students acquainted various problems and prospects of Tourism in North East India. Besides Eco-Tourism, Environmental aspects and various tourist hotspots and their characteristics are well covered.

       Course Code: HISM-601: History of Ecology and Environment: India

      The readers are well acquainted with the Environmental History as a distinct branch of History. Mode of Resource use Pattern, Commercialization of forest product, ecology, agrarian production, various environmental movements have been dealt with.

Course Code: HISM-602: Women in Indian History

            The learners inherit the knowledge on Writings on Women’s history, its concepts and dimensions, Indian women in pre- Gandhian and Gandhian phase and contributions of Assamese women in freedom struggle.

Course Code: HISM-603: World Revolutions

            The students are acquainted with the meaning and nature of revolutions and various revolutions of the world. Besides, the concept of Globalisation is also discussed.

Course Code: HISM-604: History of Science and Technology in India

            The students gained knowledge on development of science and technology in India in different Historical periods. Contributions of various professionals in the field of Medicine, astronomy, geography etc. are discussed in detail here.

Department of Botany

 Core Course C I: Microbiology & Phycology

          This course provides the knowledge of General account of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, actinomyctes, algae and viruses.

Range of thallus structure, ecology, distribution of cyanophyta, Xanthophyta, Chlophyta, Charophyta, Theophyta and Rhodophyta.

 Core Course C II: Biomolecules and Cell biology

         General account of biomolecules like carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids.

Structure of cells including the cell organelles and cell division. Bioenergetics and enzymes.


Core Course C III: Mycology and Phytopathology

       This course provides the knowledge of General account of fungi and their structures and reproduction behaviors and life cycle patterns.

Applied mycology and phytopathology.

 Core Course CIV: Archegeniate

This course enables the students to explore on Bryophyte, Gymnosperms and Fossil Plants.

 Core Course C V: Anatomy of angiosperm

     General account of tissues, adaptive and protective systems and applications.

 Core Course C VI: Economic botany

      General account of origin, morphology, processing and economic importance of cereals, legumes, sugars, spices, beverages, natural rubbers, timber, fibre, aromatic and drug yielding plants and petrocrops.

 Core Course C VII:Genetics

      General account of Mendelian and extra-chromosomal inheritance, Linkage, crossing over, chromosome mapping, gene mutation, fine structure of gene, population and evolutional genetics.

Course Code BOTM 501:Development and Reproduction in Angiosperms

     Development and Reproduction of Angiosperms including reproduction, fertilization, polyembryony and endosperm, organization of tissues, stellar body and anatomico – physiological consideration.

 Course Code BOTM 502: CoGenetics and Plant breeding, Biostatistics

     General account of Mendels Laws, linkage, crossing over, cytoplasmic inheritance, chromosomal mutation, gene mutation, biochemical mutation, microbial genetics and human genetics : Methods of plant breeding and application of biostatistics.

 Course Code BOTM 503: Functional and chemical Biology

     General account of polymeric substances, secondary plant products, plant hormone and mechanism of source sink mechanism

 Course Code BOTM 601: Plant Physiology

       General account of plant water relationship, ascent of sap, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis, respiration, growth regulators and translocation of solutes

 Course Code BOTM 603: Molecular Biology and immunology

       General account of nucleic acids, genetic code, replication of nucleic acids, regulation of gene expression, plant health management, immunity and immunization, environment and immunity

 Course Code BOTM 605: Biophysics and Bioinformatics

        This Course provides the knowledge of general account of microscopy, spectrophotometry, chromatography autoradiography, isotope types.

An account of biological database, NCBI, gene bank and SWISS PROT, BLAST and FASTA

 Course Code BOTM 607: Agro technology and Utilization of Crops

       Origin of economic plants, Agro technology of cereals, beverages, timber yielding plants and oil yielding plants, bio-fertilizer, bio-pesticides.

 General Elective

Course Code GEI: Microbial biodiversity and archegoniate

       This course describes a brief account of bacteria, fungi, algae, lichen and archegoniate.

Course Code GEII: Plant physiology and metabolism

     This course describes general account of plant water relations, mineral nutrition, translocation in phloem, photosynthesis, respiration, enzymes, nitrogen metabolism and plant growth regulators.

 Course Code GEIII: Economic Botany and Biotechnology

      Origin of cultivated plants, general account of cereals, legumes, spices, beverages, oils and fats, fibre yielding plants.

Introduction to biotechnology including tissue culture, recombinant DNA technique.


Department of Chemistry


i   Sign of wave function, counter boundary and probability diagrams etc.

ii. Variations of orbital energy with atomic number.

iii. Properties of elements, atomic radii, ionic radii, size effect of ionic bond, solvation

energy, covalent character of ionic bond, redox equations, principle involved in volumetric analysis etc.


i. Kinetic molecular model of a gas, behaviour of real gases etc

ii. Effect of addition of various solute on surface tension and viscosity. Cleansing

action of detergents.

iii. Nature of solid state, elementary idea of symmetry.

iv. Idea of solubility and solubility product of sparingly soluble salts.


i. Knowledge of basic organic chemistry, definition, classification of

stereoisomerism, optical activity, absolute and relative configuration etc.

ii. Knowledge of elimination reaction, electrophilic and nucleophilic addition.

iii. Relative stability of cyclic hydrocarbon, Bayer’s strain theory etc.


i. The application of mathematical tools to calculate thermodynamic properties

ii. The concept of free energy change and spontaneity.

iii. Thermodynamics derivation of relation between Gibbs free energy of reaction

and reaction quotient.

iv. Derive relation between the four colligative properties using chemical

potential (Thermodynamics derivation)


i. Predict the purification of metal, study of compounds with emphasis on

structure, bonding, preparation and properties.

ii. Real world applications, shapes etc of noble gas.

iii. Structural aspects and applications of inorganic polymer


i. The prediction of mechanism for organic reactions

ii. How to design synthesis of organic molecule.

iii. The reactivity and stability of organic molecule based on structure

iv. An idea of alcohols, phenols, carbonyl compounds, acids and their derivatives etc


i. Types of catalysis, Michaelis – Menten mechanism, mechanism of catalysed

reaction at solid state.

ii. Steady - state approximation in reaction mechanism.

iii. Concept of phases, phase diagrams for systems of solid- liquid equilibria involving eutectic, congruent and incongruent mp, solid solution etc


i. Predicting metal ion present in biological systems

ii. Use of chelating agents in medicine.

iii. Quantitative aspect of ligand field and MO theory, stability of various oxidation

states and emf of transition elements


i. Reaction for preparation of Heterocyclic compounds, polynuclear hydrocarbons

ii. Reaction and mechanism of substitution in heterocyclic compounds.

iii. Methods of structure elucidation of terpenoids


i. Quantitative aspects of Faraday’s laws of electrolysis

ii. Application of conductance measurement

iii. Electrical and magnetic properties of atoms and molecules


Department of Physics

 Course Code C1:

  1. Develop the requisite mathematical skills of a student to understand the fundamental topics in
  2. Develop the ability of a student to critically Analyse a
  3. Prepare a student for more advanced topics in Physics by providing a solid grip over the fundamental concepts in
  4. Demonstrate the use and importance of computational methods in Physics and enable a

student to construct a Physics problem computationally.

Course Code CII:

  1. Introduce the students to the basic concepts of mechanics.
  2. Enable the students to understand conservation laws as they are the fundamental laws of nature and will help them in realizing a crucial phenomenon of nature-
  3. Enable the students to understand simple harmonic oscillator as it is a unique mechanical problem and will help them to understand the advanced treatment in quantum mechanics and modern
  4. Develop knowledge of special relativity to understand relativistic formulation of modern theories.

Develop knowledge of mechanics which will help students in their everyday life.

Course Code CIII:

  1. Develop the basic theoretical knowledge as well as experimental skills of the students on electrical
  2. Train the students to handle and repair instruments based on electric and magnetic field


Course Code CIII:

  1. Develop the basic theoretical knowledge as well as experimental skills of the students on electrical
  2. Train the students to handle and repair instruments based on electric and magnetic field


Course Code C IV:

  1. Enable the students to Analyse different phenomena due to the interaction of light with light and
  2. Train the students to use different optical

Help the students to understand various natural phenomena using different apparatus in the laboratory.

Course Code C V:

  1. Develop the requisite mathematical skills to understand some of the fundamental topics (slightly more advanced than those in Mathematical Physics I) in
  2. Develop the ability of a student to critically Analyse a
  3. Prepare a student for more advanced topics in Physics by providing a solid grip over the fundamental concepts in
  4. Enable a student to understand the use and importance of computational / numerical methods in Physics and enable a student to construct a Physics problem computationally.

Course Code C VI:

  1. Apply the laws of thermodynamics in real world
  2. Conduct scientific problems and experiments on thermodynamics and allied

Demonstrate a working knowledge of the physical principles in Thermal Physics.

Course Code C VII:

  1. Identify and understand digital electronic principles and
  2. Apply the knowledge to Analyse and apply digital circuits in solving circuit level

Build real life applications using digital systems.

Course Code C VIII:

  1. Develop mathematical skills of a student to understand some of the fundamental topics (slightly more advanced than those in Mathematical Physics I and II).

Develop the ability of a student to critically Analyse a topic.


Department of Mathematics

 Core Code C1:

  This course enables the students to apply in real life problem. Formulate mathematical models. 

Core Code C2:

Through this course students can be able to acquire the knowledge about various algebraic structures on sets, identify the algebraic structures present in different branches of sciences.

 Core Code C3:

Analysis the properties of number lines. Describe various analytical properties of real number system.

Core Code C4:

Through this course students can be able to acquire the knowledge about the techniques for solving differential equation. Various mathematical models used in real life problems.

  Core Code C5:

  Discuss limit, continuity and differentiability of real valued functions. Expand functions in    series and different form of remainders.

 Core Code C6:

Discuss various group structures on sets, identify the group structures present in different branches of sciences.

Core Code C7:

Through this course students can be able to acquire the knowledge about mathematical  formulations and their solutions of various physical problems.

 Core Code C8:

Through this course students can be able to acquire the knowledge about various numerical methods and interpolation formula, Numerical techniques for solving differential equation.

 Core Code C9:

Riemann integration, improper integrals, Differentiation and integration of power series.

Core Code C10:

This course describes various ring structures as sets, Solve the system of linear equations.

 Core Code C11:

Extend the concepts from one variable calculus to function of several variables. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and solving application of real world problems involving double/ triple integrals.


Department of Zoology

Core Code CC 1:

This course provides knowledge on the invertebrates and their characteristics. Helpful to students who want to take up microbiology in their higher education.

Core Code CC II:

This course provides knowledge on the importance of relationship between environment and organisms, importance of wildlife, how to minimize pollution, study of population, etc.

Core Code CC III:

This course provides knowledge on the invertebrates and their characteristics. Helpful to students who want to take up microbiology in their higher education

Core Code CC IV:

This course provides knowledge on different types of cells that make up the organ systems; the process of cell division, etc.

 Core Code CC V:

This course provides knowledge on the diversity of livings organisms, their origin, etc.

Core Code CC VI:

This course provides knowledge on human organs and their vital functioning like digestion, respiration, excretion, reproduction, etc.

Core Code CC VII:

This course provides knowledge on different biomolecules in organisms including human beings.

 Core Code CC VIII:

This course helps the students in proper understanding of anatomical features of different organs of the organisms and also gives an idea of the gradual development of such organ systems.

 Core Code CC IX:

This course provides knowledge on human organs and their vital functioning like digestion, respiration, excretion, reproduction, etc.

 Core Code CC X:

This course provides knowledge on physiological and metabolic processes of body systems of living organisms including human beings.

Course code ZOOM501:

This course provides knowledge on genetically transmitted diseases like Turner Syndrome, Edward Syndrome, Philadelphia, colour blindness, etc. The course also gives knowledge on the origin of different species.

Course code ZOOM503:

This course provides knowledge on human organs and their vital functioning like digestion, respiration, excretion, reproduction, etc.

Course code ZOOM504:

This course provides knowledge on the importance of relationship between environment and organisms, importance of wildlife, how to minimize pollution, how to conserve wildlife, etc.

Course code ZOOM507:

This course provides knowledge on different types of endocrine glands and physiological disorders related to those glands; and how these glands control the behavior, reproduction and different physiological processes and cell signaling within the body.

Course code ZOOM601:

This course provides knowledge on zoonotic diseases, benefits in veterinary science discipline like cattle farming, poultry, fisheries, etc., regarding various diseases caused by insect vectors.

Course code ZOOM603:

This course provides immunity related knowledge on diseases like HIV, Cancer, auto-immune diseases, rheumatism, SLE, etc.

Course code ZOOM604:

This course provides enhancement towards the disciplines like agriculture, horticulture, etc through knowledge on GMO, hybrids, transgenic organisms

Course code ZOOM606:

This course provides knowledge on sericulture, apiculture, edible insects, etc., and enhances the economy of a society/community.




Nanda Nath Saikia College
Dhodar Ali, Titabar-785630,
Assam, India
Tel: +91 (3771) 248446
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