Date: 28.10.2022 -02.11.2022
A career counseling program was organized by the career counseling cell, N.N. Saikia College in collaboration with All in One Academy on the college premises among the students of the college. The programme was continued for three days. The resourse person from All in One Academy delivers lectures on basic numeracy, general studies and general. Moreover, the resource person, lucidly unfolded various career opportunities available for the students of arts and science. He also deliberates upon qualities those need to be enhanced to avail the opportunities that the 21St century offers to the students. 143 students participate in the program and the participating students also interact with the resource person to clarify their doubts. Finally, the program was concluded with a vote of thanks, given by Dr. Dhrubajit Borah, Coordinator, career counseling cell, N.N. Saikia College.