- Lecture Programme on National Education Policy: The Department of Assamese along with department of Education and department of Economics organised a talk on National Education Policy on 11th April, 2023. Dr. Palash Handique, Assistanat Professor, Department of Economics and Co-ordinator IQAC, H.P.B Girls College, Golaghat deliver the topic.
- Add on Course: The Add on course on "Skills on Creative Writings"( Approved by the Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh) was Introduced by the departnment of Assamese. The second batch of the course was started from 1st March, 2023 with 75 students. The course was inaugarated by Mr. Joy Prakash Oza, Coordinator, IQAC, N. N. Saikia College, Titabar. In Thgis course Renoun Poet Mrs Santichaya Saikia, Writer and Professor Mr. Akashdipta Thakur, J. B. College, Jorhat, Mr. Kaushik Dutta, Department of English, N. N. Saikia College, Titabar and Mr. Diganta Saikia, Poet and Translator cum Assistanst Professor, Department of English, D. R College, Golaghat deliver as resorch person along with the faculty members from the department of Assamese.
- Observation of International Mother Tongue Day: The International Mother Tongue Day was observed by the Department on 21st February, 2023. Dr. Snigdha Rani Rabha deliver his lecture on the importance of Mother Tongue for acquiring knowledge and personality development. All the students of the three semester are present in this event. Students Ms Bisnupriya Phukan, Ms. Suranjana Shyan, Ms. Chitra Hazarika is also delived their presentation in this programme.
- Observation of Shilpi Divas: The Department of Assamese celebrate "Shilpi Divas"The Death anniversery of Jyotiprasad Agarwalla on 17th January, 2023. In the event Dr. Bornali Saikia delivera talk on the writing and Phylisophy of Jyotiprasad Agarwalla. All the students from the department of Assamese participated in this event.
Teacher Exchange Programmes:
- 06th April, 2023 at Nanda Nath Saikia College: Teacher exchange programme have been conducted by the department on 6th April, 2032 where Mr. Tarun Loying, Assistant Professor Department of Assamese, Jorhat College, Jorhat delivered a beautiful and well organised presentation on Culture and Tourism in North East India. In his audio-video presentation Mr. Loying briefly describe about the importance on the study of North Eastern Culture for National Intregrity. A total number of 84 participants are present in this lecture session including the faculy members fronm the department of Assamese Nanda Nath Saikia College, Titabar. The lecture programme was conducted as an initiative of MoU among the two colleges.
- 25th July, 2022 at Mariani College : An extension activity has been conducted by the Department of Assamese, N. N. Saikia College at Mariani College, Mariani on 25th of July 2022. Dr. Devaprotim Hazarika, Assistant Professor, Department of Assamese of this college delivered a lecture on “Asamiya Bhasar Rupatattva” (Morphology of Assamese Language). A total of 24 students attended the lecture programme. The lecture programme was conducted as an initiative of MoU among the two colleges
- 4th November, 2022 at Jorhat College, Jorhat: Ateacher exchange programme has been conducted by the Department of Assamese, N. N. Saikia College at Jorhat College, Jorhat on 4th of November 2022. Dr. Devaprotim Hazarika, Assistant Professor, Department of Assamese of this college delivered a lecture on “Poetry of Nilmoni Phukan” . A total of 30 students attended the lecture programme. The lecture programme was conducted as an initiative of MoU among the two colleges
- 11th April, 2022 Nand Nath Saikia College, : Teacher exchange programme have been conducted by the department on 11th April, 2022 where Dr. Bani Bora, Associate Professor and Dr Manabi Gogoi HoD and Associate Professor, Department of Assamese, Mariani College, Mariani deliver their lactures on Study on Assamese Language and Literature of Post pre Independent Assam. A number of 62 students were present in the two classes. The lecture programme was conducted as an initiative of MoU among the two colleges.
- Celebration of Bishnu Rabha Divas: Bishnu Rabha Divas was celebrated on 20th June 2022 at Bebejia Govt. Junior Basic School. various competitions like Drawing, Poem Recitation were orgnised and prizes had been offered to the students. A meeting was also conducted on the day, presided by Dr Snigdha Rani Rabha (HOD, Dept of Assamese), and a lecture was delivered by Dr Bornali Saikia. The coordinator of the event was Dr Gautom Borah.
A Talk Programme on Personality Development and Future Prospects
The Department of Assamese, Nanda Nath Saikia College, Titabar, had organised a talk programme entitled “Personality Development and Future Prospects” on 18 June, 2021. Dr Pranjal Buragohain, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, Dibrugarh University, graced the occasion as the resource person and he delivered the lecture addressing about mental health, gratitude and their relation to personality development. He had also extensively mentioned about the importance of personality development in context with the future of the youth of the nation. The coordinator of the event was Dr Snigdha Rani Rabha, Assitant Professor & HOD, Dept of Assamese, Nanda Nath Saikia College. The talk programme had a respectable audience of 120 people.
- Lecture Topic: Syntactical Analysis of Language in View and Context of Noam Chomsky (Date: 28-06-2021).
- Resource Person: Dr. Devaprotim Hazarika, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Assamese, N.N.Saikia College, Titabar.
- Lecture Topic: Grammatical Catagories of Assamese Language (Date: 04-08-2021).
- Resource Person: Dr. Devaprotim Hazarika, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Assamese, N.N.Saikia College, Titabar.
- Lecture Topic: Morphology of Assamese Language (Date: 07-06-2021)
- Resource Person: Dr.Sunil Handique, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Assamese, H.P.B.Girls' College
- Lecture Topic: Study on Assamese Language (Date: 16-06-2021)
- Resource Person: Dr.Navami Gogoi, Assistant Professor,Dept. of Assamese, Golaghat Commerce College.
- Lecture Topic: Verb System of Assamese Language: Structure and its Varieties (Date: 16-07-2021)
- Resource Person: Dr. Dipamoni Haloi Mahanta, Dept. of Assamese, Gauhati University.
- Observation of International Mother Tongue Day: The International Mother Tongue Day was observed by the Department on 21st February, 2022. Dr. Devaprotim Hazarika deliver his lecture on the importance of Mother Tongue for acquiring knowledge and personality development. Mr. Bastab Borah, Assistant Professor, Tingkhong College also delivered a talk on this occassion.
- Lecture Topic: Morphology of Assamese Language (Date: 07-06-2021)
- Educational tour by the Department:
Activity 1:
- A field study as a part of extension activity carried out by the department with the students of Assamese (GE-1) Generic Course. six(6) teachers participated in the tour with 50 student participants in the neighbourhood community at Tipomia Shyam Gaon, on 2nd November, 2022. The students visited the nearby community and discussed with the people about their social custom. The neighbourhood community co-operate with the student participants and tell them about their rituals and daily life. The teachers guided the students and divided them with6 (six) groups to write a report of the field study. The students can grow their holistic development with the field study.
- Youtube Link Tipomia Turung Gaon Field study
- Activity 2: Educational tour to Uriamghat
Activity 3
An Educational Tour as a part of Extension Activity carried out by the department with the students of Assamese Major Course. Four (4) teachers participated in the tour with 44 students participants in the neighbourhood community at Baghmara, Jorhat on 2nd January, 2021. The student's visited the nearby community and discussed with the people about their social customs. The neighbourhood community co-operated with the student participants and tell them about their rituals and daily life. The teachers guided the students and divided the students with 8 (eight) groups to write and submit the tour report. The students can grow their holistic development with the educational tour.
Activity 4:
A field study as a part of extension activity carried out by the department with the students of Assamese (GE-1) Generic Course. Four (4) teachers participated in the tour with 36 student participants in the neighbourhood community at old Ambato Village, Jorhat-Nagaland border in the district Wakha on 5th February, 2021. The students visited the nearby community and discussed with the people about their social custom. The neighbourhood community co-operate with the student participants and tell them about their rituals and daily life. The teachers guided the students and divided them with 6 (six) groups to write a report of the field study. The students can grow their holistic development with the field study.
UGC sponsored 3 day workshop on Creative Writing
A UGC sponsored 3 day workshop on Creative Writing entitled “Shristixil Xahitya Bixayak Karmashala” was organised by Department of Assamese, N. N. Saikia College from 6th April to 8th, 2017. The event was inaugurated by Dr Litool Baruah, Principal, Nanda Nath Saikia College, Titabar. Dr. Devaprotim Hazarika was the Co-ordinator of the Workshop, and he initiated the programme by speaking about the aims and objectives of the event. There were a total of 55 participants who took part in the workshop. Three eminent resource persons from different academic and cultural fields of Assam were invited to deliver their presentations. Mr. Diganta Saikia, Assistant Professor, Debraj Roy College, Golaghat, delivered his presentation on Poetics of Poetry Writing. Mr. Dibya Jyoti Bora, Assistant Professor, Department of English, HPB Girls’ College, Golaghat, delivered his presentation on Basics of Creative Writing, Imagination, Developing a Plot and Use of Language. Mr. Sapon Jyoti Thakur, an eminent Theatre Activist, Dergaon, interacted with the participants regarding Various Aspects of Play Writing and related Problems and Prospects. After the completion of the workshop the participants were acquainted with various possibilities of creative writing in poetry, short stories, novel and drama.