World Ozone Day Celebration
Date: 16.09.2024
Time: 1:00 PM
The Department of Zoology and Zoological Society of N. N. Saikia College (unit of ZSA) celebrated the World Ozone Day in the Department premises. Approximately 50 students participated in the celebration. Dr. Manashi Bortamuly, Assistant Professor and President, Zoological Society, N. N. Saikia College delivered a talk on the importance of ozone. Alok Kumar Gogoi, a student of 5th Semester of the Department gave a speech on ozone layer, its importance and the reason behind celebration of Ozone Day. Dr. Manashi Bortamuly also discussed about the ozone layer depletion, causes, effects and solutions to combat the global problem. She emphasized on the importance about awareness of the ozone layer.
Parent-Teacher Meet and Inauguration of Departmental Wall Magazine Panchajanya
Date: 13.09.2024
Time: 1:00 PM Onwards
The Department of Zoology conducted a parents-teachers meeting for the students of B. Sc 1st Semester Zoology Major students on 13.09.2024. At the outset, HoD, Mitali Chetia welcomed all the parents and guardians to the meeting. Approximately parents of 10-12 students were present in the meeting. The wall magazine “Panchajanya” was also inaugurated in presence of all the students and parents at the Department. After that, Dr. Manashi Bortamuly detailed about the course curriculum of NEP to the parents. All important aspects of the course were explained to the parents. Feedback was also asked from the parents’ side. Then students and their parents were summoned and their individual performances along with their attendance percentages for the month of August 2024 were detailed by Dr. Jafrin Farha Hussain, who is the present course co-ordinator of the 1st Semester students.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks offered by the HoD and then, light refreshment was offered to all the parents. The meeting ended at about 3 pm.
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